/******************************************************************************* * FILENAME: FileServer.c * * PROJECT: * Bitty HTTP * * FILE DESCRIPTION: * Cookies example * * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 2019 Paul Hutchinson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * ******************************************************************************/ /*** HEADER FILES TO INCLUDE ***/ #include "../../WebServer.h" #include "../../main.h" #include #include #include #include /*** DEFINES ***/ /*** MACROS ***/ /*** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***/ const char *CookieArgs[]= { "LoadCount", "LoadCountAllTime", NULL }; struct FileInfo { const char *Filename; // With Path bool Dynamic; const char **Cookies; const char **Gets; const char **Posts; void (*WriteFile)(struct WebServer *Web); }; /*** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ***/ void File_Root(struct WebServer *Web); void File_Display(struct WebServer *Web); void File_SomeStyle(struct WebServer *Web); void File_Quit(struct WebServer *Web); /*** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ***/ struct FileInfo m_Files[]= { /* Filename, Dynamic, Cookies, Gets, Posts, Callback */ {"/",true,CookieArgs,NULL,NULL,File_Root}, {"/SomeStyle.css",false,NULL,NULL,NULL,File_SomeStyle}, {"/quit.html",true,NULL,NULL,NULL,File_Quit}, }; /******************************************************************************* * NAME: * FS_GetFileProperties * * SYNOPSIS: * bool FS_GetFileProperties(const char *Filename, * struct WSPageProp *PageProp); * * PARAMETERS: * Filename [I] -- The filename from the URL that is being requested. * PageProp [O] -- This is filled in with info about the page. * FileID -- The ID of the page. This has no meaning * to the web server it is just passed back * to FS_SendFile(). It can hold a pointer. * DynamicFile -- If this is true then the file will * no be cached. false will set the * ETAG to 'DOCVER' where it will not * resent to the browser until 'DOCVER' * changes. * Cookies -- A pointer to the list of cookies that this * page accepts. * Gets -- A pointer to the list of GET vars that this * page accepts. * Posts -- A pointer to the list of POST vars that this * page accepts. * * FUNCTION: * This function is called when a new request comes in for a file. This * is before the headers for this request have been processed and the * web server is not yet ready to send a reply. * * The web server does need to know if this is a valid file and some info * about the file. That is what this function provides. * * RETURNS: * true -- File known and can be sent * false -- File is known. Will produce a 404 reply. * * SEE ALSO: * FS_SendFile() ******************************************************************************/ bool FS_GetFileProperties(const char *Filename,struct WSPageProp *PageProp) { int r; for(r=0;rFileID=(uintptr_t)&m_Files[r]; PageProp->DynamicFile=m_Files[r].Dynamic; PageProp->Cookies=m_Files[r].Cookies; PageProp->Gets=m_Files[r].Gets; PageProp->Posts=m_Files[r].Posts; return true; } } return false; } /******************************************************************************* * NAME: * FS_SendFile * * SYNOPSIS: * void FS_SendFile(struct WebServer *Web,uintptr_t FileID); * * PARAMETERS: * Web [I] -- The web context for this web connection. * FileID [I] -- The number that was setup in FS_GetFileProperties(). * This has no meaning to the web server and is just passed * to this function. It can be a pointer to some object * of your defining. * * FUNCTION: * This function is called from the web server when it is time to send the * contents of a "file". You may also set headers using WS_Header() as * long as you haven't sent anything else yet. * * RETURNS: * NONE * * SEE ALSO: * WS_Header(), WS_WriteWhole(), WS_WriteChunk(), WS_GET(), WS_COOKIE(), * WS_POST(), WS_SetCookie() ******************************************************************************/ void FS_SendFile(struct WebServer *Web,uintptr_t FileID) { struct FileInfo *File=(struct FileInfo *)FileID; /* Not needed but I always check... */ if(File==NULL) return; File->WriteFile(Web); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char QuitHTML[]= "" "" "" "Bitty HTTP Example - Quit" "" "" "" "
Bitty HTTP Example
" "
" "
" "Bye bye
" "
" "HOME" "
" "
" "
" "" ""; void File_Quit(struct WebServer *Web) { WS_WriteWhole(Web,QuitHTML,sizeof(QuitHTML)-1); g_Quit=true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char CSS[]= "div#top" "{" "height:50px;" "width:100%;" "background-color:#679509;" "font-size:1.5em;" "line-height:50px;" "padding-left:15px;" "color:white;" "text-shadow:#4F4F4F 2px 2px;" "}\n" "div#quitbttn" "{" "position:absolute;" "top:23px;" "right:30px;" "}\n" "div#quitbttn a" "{" "color:white;" "text-decoration:none" "}\n" "div#quitbttn a:hover" "{" "text-decoration:underline" "}\n" "div#bottom" "{" "position:absolute;" "bottom:0px;" "left:0px;" "height:50px;" "width:100%;" "background-color:#679509;" "}\n" "div#content" "{" "background-color:#f0f0f0;" "color:#6A6A6A;" "}\n"; void File_SomeStyle(struct WebServer *Web) { WS_WriteWhole(Web,CSS,sizeof(CSS)-1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char DisplayHTML_Start[]= "" "" "" "Bitty HTTP - Root" "" "" "" "
Bitty HTTP Example - Root
" "" "
"; const char DisplayHTML_End[]= "
" "
" "" ""; void File_Root(struct WebServer *Web) { char buff[100]; const char *LoadCount; const char *LoadCountAllTime; int LoadCountInt; int LoadCountAllTimeInt; LoadCount=WS_COOKIE(Web,"LoadCount"); if(LoadCount==NULL) LoadCountInt=0; else LoadCountInt=atoi(LoadCount); LoadCountAllTime=WS_COOKIE(Web,"LoadCountAllTime"); if(LoadCountAllTime==NULL) LoadCountAllTimeInt=0; else LoadCountAllTimeInt=atoi(LoadCountAllTime); LoadCountInt++; sprintf(buff,"%d",LoadCountInt); WS_SetCookie(Web,"LoadCount",buff,0,NULL,NULL,false,false); LoadCountAllTimeInt++; sprintf(buff,"%d",LoadCountAllTimeInt); /* Expires in a week (60 sec * 60 min * 24 hours * 7 days) */ WS_SetCookie(Web,"LoadCountAllTime",buff,time(NULL)+60*60*24*7,NULL, NULL,false,false); WS_WriteChunk(Web,DisplayHTML_Start,sizeof(DisplayHTML_Start)-1); sprintf(buff,"Page loaded:%d times this session, and %d this week
", LoadCountInt,LoadCountAllTimeInt); WS_WriteChunk(Web,buff,strlen(buff)); WS_WriteChunk(Web,DisplayHTML_End,sizeof(DisplayHTML_End)-1); }